viernes, 29 de enero de 2010

"nd division.

Wednesday was a good night for me. Again the championship is too large for me to be awaken so I did the best I could those 2 hours and a half that I played. I played agressively like my stile. I had luck and I was the 11 in the minute 30. Then I start gaining more points and finally I Left the game being with 200 left.

I was with 70.000 points and at the morning I realized that I was the 70th, no bad man. I gain 0,1$ but the most important is the jump of takin effective money. That was in spanish second level league with 8000 participants.

martes, 26 de enero de 2010

A good night... expecting

A good start that i have reach ranking 89th. Not bad start but I have lose 2000 with an all in with three sevens and the other had colour to king... bad luck really.

23:15 here, I'm still with 2400 and we have spend 15 minutes. 1259 people left and I'm one of them. I need a more agressive way to move!!!

23:21 No cards man, this is boring!!! 2217. 1217 people left.

23:26 Some good cards but anybody gets in with me... waht a pity. I have meet again in the table a mate of yesterday, KK074213. 3000points. 1149 players left.

23:30 A flush an I'm on 5k. I have kick 1!!!!

23:33 I have lose 1k... Badly played. Another 1k lose.

23:38 Back to 4k. Recovering. And now 5k.

23:41 Fuck... 2k... Recover to 4k with all in.

23:44 Another all in and I'm with 8k. Thank you to a good strught.

23:46... I'm with 11,5 K!!! This is amazing. Agressive hasate 22!!! I'm the 41!!!

23:52 12,2kk Improving and gaining!!! 880 left... I'm the 38... Omaha is my game...

23:55 Rest, a good rest in in a while to bed...

00:00 on again...

00:04 bad start.... lose 2k.

00:10 Is late and I'm gona leave here... Computer on... Pokerstars on and hasate22 with 11.960 points and ranking 61...

Hope I'm gona be top 400, only 780 left. Good luck for everybody.


Great I wake up and for my surprise I have woken up being the 70!!!
Thanks that I have receive 11$ for steps for spring tournament.

First day (Best than ever, sweet but finally bitter)

Yesterday we had our first round of bloggers tourney in POKER STARS. I really enjoy.

I started really bad losing about 800"$" and i thought that i was gona be out in the first hour, but i was wrong. I started been agresive when some cards were able to give me fresh air and if when they seemed bad I threw them. My first our ends with about 1500$, not bad really.

The second our start and suddenly a dominator with about 8000$ appeared in my table... terrifying. I thought that it was gona be a hard table. I really made a great play and very aggresive movements to show that I was playing serious and that I'm not a loser and I started gaining more. Last move in the second hour was an all-in... That was the hell, I had an A-7 and the other A-K... Firstly appear a 7 with a k and i don't remember what more... It wasn't the over cause suddenly a 7 appear to save me and make me reach 5800$.

We were about 400 people in the round. I had some familiar problems and it make me leave the game as it was with the game oppened... When I had stood up today I have senn that i have been 47 behind the first to take 11$ damn it!!! I think that if those problems didn't make me leave I would have make a good participation.

Todays round is gonna be short for me. I have no time and I'm gonna be very agressive. If it goes well I'm gonna pray to open the game and tomorrow wake up with something. I feel that is not gonna be my day cause Ohama is not my especiality.

Thank you all of you for reading me and please coment me something to make me happy ;-)


lunes, 25 de enero de 2010


kodigo de entrada: 114501

domingo, 24 de enero de 2010

Focusdep lo es

El Unicaja liderado por el escolta estadounidense Juan Dixon, que sumó los once últimos puntos de su equipo cuando perdía por 66-71 a falta de dos minutos para el final, consiguió una victoria apurada frente a un Suzuki Manresa que dominó durante todo el encuentro.

El Unicaja quería mostrar su mejor versión tras una irregular campaña y su ausencia de la Copa del Rey, y supo compensar ataque y defensa en el focusdep primer cuarto (17-7, minuto 8) frente a un Suzuki Manresa que no salió con la intensidad necesaria, pero que a medida que fueron pasando los minutos mostró su eficacia ofensiva con un gran Jordi Grimau (18-15, minuto 10)

lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

ke no

El DKV Joventut ha vivido un auténtico calvario para llegar a Rusia, donde este martes se medirá al Unics Kazan en la Eurocup. Y es que el conjunto verdinegro salió de Badalona a las 16:15 horas del domingo y ha aterrizado en Kazan a las 5:35 de este lunes.

Para colmo de males, a su llegada al aeropuerto los jugadores verdinegros se han dado cuenta de que la compañía con la que volaban les había perdido su equipaje, por lo que el cuerpo técnico se ha visto obligado a cancelar el entrenamiento previsto para esta tarde.

Un partido complicado
Sito Alonso contará para éste partido con la baja del pívot Antonio Bueno que se ha quedado en Badalona recuperándose de molestias en los isquiotibiales del muslo de la pierna izquierda. El DKV Joventut se juega el liderato del grupo D (19:00 horas) de la Eurocup en la última jornada de la primera fase de la segunda competición talkdep continental.

Para ello, deberá ganar al conjunto ruso por más de 11 puntos de diferencia después de perder en Badalona en la primera vuelta de forma clara (71-82). No será una empresa fácil en la fría Kazan -15 grados bajo cero señalan hoy los termómetros- ya que se enfrentan al único equipo que, junto a Power Electronics Valencia y Bizkaia Bilbao, ha ganado todos los partidos.


El secretario técnico del Regal Barcelona, Joan "Chichi" Creus, se mostró descontento con el resultado del sorteo de la Copa del Rey, que deparó un enfrentamiento entre su equipo y el Cajasol en cuartos de final.

"No me ha gustado nada. El Cajasol es un equipo que está en una gran forma. Es uno de los partidos más complicados que hemos jugado hasta ahora" cyberdunk.

Por su parte, Raúl Pérez, representante del conjunto sevillano en el sorteo del Guggenheim, tuvo una reacción completamente opuesta y valoró positivamente el duelo. "La Copa es un torneo para disfrutar y, aunque el Regal Barça es un equipazo, a un partido se les puede ganar".